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Barberton Church of God

You are Welcome!

We Believe

In God

God is an all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present Creator of the universe, eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


In Jesus


Jesus, God's son, is fully Divine and fully human, born of the virgin Mary. Without guilt or sin, He was crucified on a cross by man and, through His resurrection, freed all people from the power of sin and death. He ascended to heaven and will return again, and when He does, He will usher in the eternal Kingdom of God. All who respond to the work and teachings of Jesus by believing in Him and experiencing a genuine life change will live forever with Him.


In The Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity who continually draws men and women to God. The Holy Spirit sets the believer apart to be used by God. The Holy Spirit not only progressively transforms the Christ-follower to be like Christ but also convicts of sin and empowers the believer to serve others.


In Salvation


A free gift from God, salvation is God's desire for all humanity to be in right relationship with Him. One receives new and eternal life by believing in Jesus as God's Son, confessing sin, giving Jesus control of your life, and accepting the work Christ accomplished on the cross.


In The Bible


The Bible is God's written Word and our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. It is trustworthy, without error, and entirely inspired by God.


In Humanity


We were created in the image of God, but because of Adam and Eve's sins, we are all broken. Sin is the conscious and unconscious way we miss the mark in how we live, relate to God, and relate to one another. Jesus is the perfect image of God and the One who shows us how to be human. Jesus reveals God to humanity, gives us an example of how we should live, and His death and resurrection sets us back into right relationship with God.


In The Church


As we turn back to God, accept the work Christ accomplished, and begin to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, we become a part of God's mission in this world in and through the Church. The Church is the community of God, learning to love and express love to this world. For everyone who turns back to God and accepts the work of Christ, the Holy Spirit helps the believer to become a vital part of the Church in the world today. Becoming a part of the Church, every follower of Jesus is called to a life of love through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are given without regard to race or gender.


In Three Ordinances


Christians are to engage in three religious practices taught and modeled by Jesus.


First, we practice Water Baptism, an outward sign of the new life one has received by confessing and committing to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Baptism represents the death of our old lives and resurrection to a new life in Christ.


Second, we practice Communion, a visible and experienced reminder of the death and resurrection of Jesus. There were two elements on the table at the first-century meal Jesus shared with his disciples the night he was betrayed and crucified, the bread and the cup. They symbolically remind believers about the sacrifice of Jesus – the bread represents His body that was broken, and the cup represents His blood that poured out. Anyone who is a follower of Jesus is invited to participate.


Third, we practice Feet Washing,  just as Jesus demonstrated with his disciples on the night he was betrayed. Feet washing visibly illustrates our humility and love towards one another. Jesus said, "I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you." Feet washing serves as a reminder to us that no one is greater than another.


Our Affiliation


Barberton Church is a non-denominational church affiliated with a movement of churches called the Church of God (headquartered in Anderson, IN). Affiliation provides us with accountability without control. We share theological foundations, ministry partnerships, and global missional projects through affiliation, yet we independently determine our leadership, structure, budget, and vision. 

Barberton Church of God

885 N. Summit Street

Barberton, OH 44203



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